Aluminium Casement Windows

Aluminium Casement Window
Premium ACW 81 Ext Glazed Fixed- Double glazing options available - Choice of 2 outer frames - Lowest Glass "U" Value 1.0W/m2K Overall "U" Value 1.5W/m2K WER 'B'- Hybrid glazing: externally glazed fixed lights combined and internally glazed casements- Mid-Priced priced aluminium window
£128.00 Ex VAT
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Aluminium Casement Windows
Contemporary Alitherm- Double glazing options available - Choice of 2 outer frames & 3 sash designs - Lowest Glass "U" Value 1.0W/m2K Overall "U" Value 1.5W/m2K WER 'A'- Externally glazed with security clips- Competitively priced aluminium window
£94.10 Ex VAT
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Aluminium Casement Windows
Designer ACW 81 Flush & Triple Glazed Options- Double and triple glazing options available - Flush casement option- Lowest Glass "U" Value 0.6W/m2K Overall "U" Value 1.2W/m2K WER 'A+'- Internally Glazed with Equal Sightlines- Our highest performing aluminium window
£189.00 Ex VAT
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